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Elements Types

Card Element

The "card" element type features a one-liner credit card collector containing the following inputs:

  • cardNumber
  • expirationDate
    • Must not be expired or greater than 19 years in the future
  • cvc
Live Card Element
<div id="card-element">

<script defer>
window.addEventListener('load', () => {
const cardElement = bt.createElement('card');


Text Element

The "text" element type is a secure replacement for the <input> tag and enables collecting user string data.

Live Text Element
<div id="text-element">

<script defer>
window.addEventListener('load', () => {
const textElement = bt.createElement('text', {
targetId: 'elementTypesTextElement',
placeholder: 'John Doe',


Card Number Element

The "cardNumber" element type renders a card number input and an optional card icon, featuring automatic brand detection, input validation and masking.

Live Card Number Element
<div id="card-number-element">

<script defer>
window.addEventListener('load', () => {
const cardNumberElement = bt.createElement('cardNumber', {
targetId: 'elementTypesCardNumberElement',


cardNumberElement.on('change', ({ cardBrand }) => {
window.cardVerificationCodeElement?.update({ cardBrand });

Card Expiration Date Element

The "cardExpirationDate" element type features a month/year formatted input with validation. The date must not be expired or greater than 19 years in the future

Live Card Expiration Date Element
<div id="card-expiration-date-element">

<script defer>
window.addEventListener('load', () => {
const cardExpirationDateElement = bt.createElement('cardExpirationDate', {
targetId: 'elementTypesCardExpirationDateElement',


Card Verification Code Element

The "cardVerificationCode" element type is used to collect the card security code.

Live Card Verification Code Element
<div id="card-verification-code-element">

<script defer>
window.addEventListener('load', () => {
const cardVerificationCodeElement = bt.createElement('cardVerificationCode', {
targetId: 'elementTypesCardVerificationCodeElement',
